Writing a college admission essay
Which Of The Following Parts Of An Essay Contains A Topic Sentence
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Purpose of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teaching Tea
The Purpose of Education Instruction has existed from the beginning of time in some structure. The way toward going down amassed data starting with one age then onto the next has been available in each human culture, over a wide span of time. From the youthful tuning in to the narratives of the older folks around the hearths of the antiquated world, to students being told in the letters in order in a one room school building on the American wilderness, to the current day web based showing meetings; the custom of educating and learning has been a consistent in the regularly evolving world. Training has been and keeps on being utilized for some reasons, boss among them being the making of an informed populace, the strengthening of that populace, and improvement of the individual, and the country all in all. A portion of the primary advocates of serious training were the old Greeks and Romans who looked to make more grounded and more intelligent social orders. The Greeks specifically looked to instruct their young people to make the up and coming age of pioneers in their city state. Frameworks of instruction guaranteed that those chosen to office will be outfitted with the vital aptitudes for work in government. These worries are as yet equivalent today as instructors show the following legislators, congressmen, and leaders of our country. Because of their future significance our residents need to find out about how our administration fills in just as become versed in numerous different subjects. This instructive procedure makes a balanced resident who is...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
International human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Global HR - Essay Example patriate chiefs are given the obligation of synchronizing various societies while overseeing human asset for a worldwide company in an outside nation. The way of life and business condition of a worldwide partnerships differ with areas and nations. ‘International human asset management’ manages the HRM exercises of a worldwide partnership. It helps the exile HR administrators of worldwide partnerships to comprehend the authoritative culture of the MNC and the neighborhood culture of that specific nation. The capacities and obligations of local human asset the executives and global human asset the board are diverse in numerous angles. The last requires more noteworthy duty as it requires more prominent degree of coordination, hazard, contribution in close to home existences of workers. This paper will endeavor to break down the human asset of Ford Motor Company of United States of America (USA). In the following area, the social setting of USA MNC and the neighborhood culture will be talked about and the difficulties looked by the ostracize directors will be dissected. The general discoveries will be finished up and some basic suggestions will be given to conquer those difficulties. The center elements of the HR the executives are comparable independent of nations and associations. Be that as it may, the distinction in societies represents certain preventions for the exile supervisors. Contrasts existing between Asia Pacific, Middle East and USA are hard to absorb. The way of life of USA is an outsider one, alongside the Native Americans numerous foreigners from various nations have been living in USA. Welcome Hofstede has distinguished six elements of the way of life that change from nation to nation. These measurements are â€Å"power separation list (PDI), independence (IDV), vulnerability shirking file (UAI), manliness (MAS) and long haul direction (LTO)†(Falkenreck, 2009, p.59). Figure 1 delineates the ‘Greet Hofstede
Friday, August 21, 2020
Illini Advice What I Wish I Knew in High School
Illini Advice What I Wish I Knew in High School Our bloggers are wise college students who have been around the block and can look back with some perspective. So, we recently asked them, If you could have a conversation with the high school version of yourself, whats one piece of advice you would give? We hope their answers help as you continue to navigate the halls of high school. Taylor High school and life in general, to a degree, is what you make it. So spend the next 4 years being unapologetically you, discovering what makes you tick, and exploring what pushes you outside of your comfort zone. Make this time beneficial and enjoyable in every way possible, and remind yourself that youre amazing while doing it. Kate Everything really will be okay! Trust us. Franklin Dont try to cram your schedule with things you dont care aboutâ€"pick 1 or 2 extracurriculars that you love and stick to them! Success will come easy when youre doing something you enjoy, and its always better to pick quality over quantity. Rachel Be present, enjoy each second, and live in the moment. It sounds cliché, but these next 4 years, and the 4 after that, will go by faster than you can imagine. Jada High school is an alternate dimension where a lot of things that shouldnt matter do. So dont get too caught up in the weirdness of it all, college is wayyy cooler. Maaz Life doesn’t begin to get real until it gets realâ€"there’s no warning. The only way to prepare for the future is to live in the present with a mindset balanced by the scales of both reflection and gratitude. Be grateful for the life afforded to you, and turn that gratitude into a resolve for improving the state of affairs you see within yourself; only by improving ourselves can we hope to improve the world around us. Abby Dont ever be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone. If theres something youre interested in, try it out! Seize every opportunity to learn and grow; youll be surprised by some of the amazing doors that open up to you when you do. Luis Dont stress too much in high school! Dont slack off, but also dont be too hard on yourself. Hang out with friends, build relationships, and create memories that you will keep if and when you take off to college. Kripa The challenges you face, whether they be tough classes or personal struggles, face them with the right attitude! Put your head high, and know that you can overcome these obstacles and that you have friends and family who you can always rely on. Julissa Do anything and everything your heart desires! Dont let others hold you back from doing what you want; this is your life. Alex Things might not be the exact same as you imagined themâ€"and thats okay.Use these 4 years to embrace change and become comfortable with the unknown. Noah High school is the best time to explore what interests you. A lot of people get caught up in worrying about AP classes and GPA, and while thats still important, take the classes that you like! Make sure to have fun, take what you love, and learn about yourself. Zoe My favorite professor gave me this piece of simple but deeply useful advice: Always be completely and unapologetically yourself, especially in the presence of others. You are on the cusp of a transformative life stage. Be brave. Illinois Admissions We're here for you as you prepare for college. Whether you're looking for guidance on the college search process or have questions about Illinois, we hope our blogs will help!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Macbeth and Washizu the Tragic Heroes - 971 Words
M.H. Abrams description of the tragic hero outlines the main characteristics of a tragic hero. In the play Macbeth, and film Throne of Blood, Macbeth and Washizu are the main characters that fulfill the definition of a tragic hero. They implement M.H. Abrams definition of the tragic hero because they have flaws that lead them to their reversal of fortune, which cause them to evoke the pity and fear from the audience. Macbeth and Washizu also demonstrate how they are better than we are, which indicates that they have a higher moral worth that amplifies the tragic effect. First, Macbeth and Washizu both have a tragic flaw, which leads into their reversal of fortune. Macbeth and Washizu give into their ambition and pride while they†¦show more content†¦He is truly a character that is better than we are, a character above the average person in respect to nobility and praise. Also, as Macbeth and Washizu were born into nobility, they illustrate their success as they live in castles with many servants and other materialistic objects. Third, the characters both evoke our pity and fear. The audience have a sense of pity for them because neither Washizu nor Macbeth are completely evil characters and they show some good in them, causing them to be a mix of the two opposites. We feel pity for Washizu when he is killed by his own men at the end of the movie, because he has allowed his tragic flaw (ambition) to control himself. Macbeth also evocates fear from the audience in many moments, including while he is murdering the king. He screams out and says, Whos there? What ho! (2.2.8). These words make the audience think that Macbeth has been caught in the act of murdering the king, which arouses fear. Once again, Macbeth arouses pity from the audience when he learns that Lady Macbeth has died. He says, She should have died herafter/ There would have been a time for such a word (5.5.17-18). These words make us pity him, because during the play he says these words with great sadness, and we feel that he now has no one to support him. In conclusion, Macbeth and Washizu both fit M.H. Abrams
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Managing the Channel and the Sales Forces - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Managing the Channel and the Sales Forces. Answer: Overview Stihl Inc. has been one of the top handheld power equipment manufacturers with the widest distribution channels all over United States. The organization has twelve wholesale distributers considering the entire landscape out of which retail distribution channel consists of independent dealers and home improvement centers (Wilson and Wilson 2017). This has helped in reaching wide number of consumers as the main categories such as handheld, outdoor and power is fulfilled by Stihl Inc. In this discussion, the main problem that Stihl Inc is facing will be highlighted and based on that analysis will be presented concerning the critical issues, followed by conclusion and recommendation for future corporate sustainability. Problem Identification The main goals of Stihl are follows: To provide best quality product through innovative designs, highest-grade materials and solid engineering with precision manufacturing To provide best buying experience with best service and support through wide distribution network including first-class showrooms To assist consumers regarding the product information, dealer location and distributor pricing through own corporate website (Stihlusa.com 2017) Considering the case, it has been identified that Stihl has been one of the top-rated supplier for Home Depot. However, as highlighted by Shahrouzifard and Faraji (2016), with course of time consumers prefer after-sales assistance and post-sales services more than price or quality. Similarly, such expectation of the consumers is not being fulfilled by Stihl home improvement centers and mass merchants channels. Consumers who use to prefer Stihl products are now more concerned about post-sales services, which the organization is failing to provide. Therefore, the main problem of Stihl Inc. is to become failure in providing after-sales services and product maintenance operations on home improvement premises and that they are becoming more dependent only on independent dealers channel. Such operational challenge is acting as the barrierto provide consumers the best buying experience from Home Depot with best service and support, thereby threatening corporate goal achievement. Analysis of Critical Issues faced by Stihl Inc. According to Qiang et al. (2013), a manufacturing organization needs to understand the demographic market and prevailing customer needs so that product or service can be improvised in future. On the other hand, Szwejczewski, Goffin and Anagnostopoulos (2015) argued that dealers need to evaluate the differences in services between own channel and alternative market channel so that customer can be satisfied. Furthermore, Murali, Pugazhendhi and Muralidharan (2016) pointed out that the manufacturing organization needs to evaluate the existing relationship between its own home distribution channel and market retailers so that partnership can be strengthened in future. On the other hand, the concerned organization also needs to evaluate the considerable impact that the partnership is creating on product distribution channel. Therefore, basis the views of the authors, the critical issues that Stihl Inc. is facing will be discussed below. Customer Needs for Channel Services According to Homburg, Vollmayr and Hahn (2014), with the progress of time, explicit market competition has given rise to niche marketing technique, on the basis of which manufacturers are designing new products giving rise to innovation. Such innovation helps in creating new demand and ensures sustainability for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). However, Jerath, Kim and Swinney (2017) contradicted that without channelized services, the target audience does not get the product information and the usability or benefits that they might get. Therefore, only through the medium of channel services, the consumers will be able to experience the latest products. On the other hand, Homburg, Jozi? and Kuehnl (2017) placed a different viewpoint that with the help of channel services such as through retail distribution channel specifically, consumers are able to get the physical value of a product that triggers them in buying. Consumers are also able to differentiate the value of product, pric e differences and post-sales specifications. Therefore, only through the help of market channels such as retailers, supermarkets and local direct delivery logistics, an organization is able to reach out to its target customer segment. After analyzing the case of Stihl Inc., it has been found that the organization has great channel services, which has helped consumers to get benefits from unique handheld electronic machines(Wilson and Wilson 2017). Such channel services have reduced the gap between Stihl and end consumers. However, it is expected that in future, the customer needs will be changed and will be more focused in gaining product oriented assistance and post-sales maintenance so that value for money is justified with course of time. Evaluation of Channel Services The channel services of Stihl can be categorized in distribution network and support for dealers. The distribution network channel services are distributed in twelve geographically separate wholesale distributors. On the other hand, the retail dealer network is made of 8000 independent retailing establishments. These dealer networks are the most important channel services because Stihl is able to assist consumers directly only through these dealers. Stihl provides financial, marketing, and administrative support to these dealers regarding operation, proper application and product maintenance (Wilson and Wilson 2017). Furthermore, the official website of Stihl Inc. creates the channel services for internet shoppers, through which they are able to get product oriented information along with location of independent dealers. Considering the channel services alternative channel such as Home Depot, being one of the largest retailers (Guesalaga and Pitta 2014), would extend its product base by taking more supplies from Black Decker, Briggs Stratton and Echo. Similarly, Walmart might also increase the number of retail outlets so that more number of people can be reached. On the other hand, Sears can reach out to more number of conventional channel boundaries. It can create more partners with home improvement center and mass merchant. Hardware Stores have the option to get supplies from both giant manufacturers and local designers. Online channels can create multiple partnerships with giant manufacturers listing top brands so that both value for money and reliability factors are adhered. Relationship of Stihl Inc. with Potential Channels Considering the case study, it is prominent enough that Stihl is depending more on its independent channel dealers. It is following hybrid channel strategy using internet to direct consumers towards authorized dealers (Wilson and Wilson 2017). Therefore, Stihl does not follow the multi-channel system that Sears follows. Considering the relationship with Home Depot, it can be found that consumers are not getting assistance from the home improvement center as the sales-persons are untrained and they do not provide post-sales services, thereby creating a negative brand image of Stihl. On the other hand, with Hardware Stores, Stihl have a poor relationship as much of its products are sold through its independent dealers. However, it can be said that relationship with online channel is quite favorable with Stihl. Evaluation of Power (Stihl v/s Channel Partner) According to Bellin (2016), with the increase in channel partnerships, more number of customers can be reached. However, considering the above analysis, it can be said that Stihl is confined under only one market channel, which is independent dealer. The channel partners are having more power because they do not rely only on Stihl, but they have supplies from products of Black Decker, Cub Cadet, Echo, Homelite, and Ryobi. With course of time, the bargaining power of buyer will definitely exceed supplier bargaining power. This will create huge rise for organizational sustainability. Ability to Exert Control over Channel Fabbri and Klapper (2016) pointed out that in such a market where there are multiple suppliers, the bargaining power of buyer becomes more prevalent. Similarly, since in USA, the market competition for handheld manufacturers is quite strong, hence Stihl cannot be considered to have the ability to exert control over home improvement centers and mass merchants. If the home improvement centers have to spend more on employee training and assistance specifically for Stihl products, it will definitely consumer their budget. Therefore, they will try to deal with other manufacturers. However, Stihl will have full power over its independent dealers and can enhance services through better employee training. Potential Impact of Partnership While considering the viewpoint of Ishfaq et al. (2016), it can be said that partnership in channel services helps in exposing product physical value to a huge number of people from various geographic locations, which eventually ensures more sales. Partnership with potential channels is discussed in following section. Partnership of Stihl with Home Depot/Walmart Home Depot has the largest base of handheld product categories from all USA manufacturers. Therefore, partnership with it will help in exposing the product base of Stihl along with its competitor companies such as Black Decker and Cub Cadet. Consumers can compare both price and quality before purchasing. However, this implies that the customer service and assistance will be extremely poor. Walmart mostly offers low pricing but since the products of Stihl are of high quality, the price is comparatively higher than the rest. Due to this Stihl might get less profit. Partnership of Stihl with Sears Fortune.com (2017) pointed out that among all other channels, Sears is the only retailer that operates both as mass merchant and home improvement center. Therefore, it can be said that Stihl will get the highest exposure in market if it partners with Sears. Moreover, Sears has the best experience of maintenance and replacement parts capability as it merchandized its own brand, which will ensure customer assistance. Partnership of Stihl with Hardware Stores and Online Medium Stihl will definitely have a better scope of product sales through partnership with hardware stores but the main challenge will be customer assistance and post-sales service. Sales persons in hardware stores do not have enough knowledge of electronic handheld machines, which would be a challenge (Takouda and Dia 2016). However, partnership with online medium will surely act a boon because the consumers will get to know about product features and available locations where they can get product oriented assistance. Conclusion The critical issues that Stihl Plc. is facing are mostly related to selection of channel. It has been understood that the organization is mostly dependent on independent dealers and therefore this implies the highest risk as once the dealers fail to computerize the entire distribution channel will become non-functional. The home improvement center channel is found to have more power of control over the suppliers such as Stihl and simultaneously broadens the product exposure to various consumers. On the other hand, it was analyzed that Stihl needs to extend its partnership with such a retailer who can offer product oriented assistance or even post-sales assistance to consumers. Recommendation for Stihls Change in Channel Structure After evaluating all possible relationships and partnerships, it can be said that Stihl needs to change its channel structure. It needs to broaden its distribution network which will include mass merchant, independent dealers, hardware stores and online. By making partnership with all the four channels it can reach out to more consumers, who even belong to deeper and interior geographical areas of the United States. Specifically, for mass merchant, Stihl needs partnership with Sears, which will ensure product assistance, whereas through independent dealers, consumers will get both product assistance and post-sales service. Furthermore, online channel needs to be strengthened more using advertising techniques such as search engine optimization and pay-per-click strategies for the own corporate website. Representatives from Stihl need to be present at popular point of sales locations so that customer assistance can be ensured. Other alternative channel such as home improvement centers must be given less scope of partnerships as it might turn out to be loss. However, it is quite sure that customer need will change and market demographics will alter, which might affect dealership. Due to poor assistance from mass merchants, consumers may remain unaware of latest handheld innovations, which might create debt as the cost of partnership may remain uncovered. Reference List Bellin, H., 2016. Which Marketing Channel Is Right for Your Company?.Journal of Marketing Channels,23(3), pp.157-161. Fabbri, D. and Klapper, L.F., 2016. Bargaining power and trade credit.Journal of Corporate Finance,41, pp.66-80. Fortune.com, 2017.You Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse for Sears. They Just Did.. [online] Fortune. Available at: https://fortune.com/2017/11/08/sears-kmart-results/ [Accessed 24 Dec. 2017]. Guesalaga, R. and Pitta, D., 2014. 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